Tuesday, January 10, 2017

What Do You Think About?

As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.  
Proverbs 23:7

It's another snow day (yahooooo for teachers and kids) and I was extremely productive yesterday, cleaning, cooking, exercising, reading, writing, etc.  I even consulted on an article on mindfulness in education and how I practice it in the classroom (which is so cool and I felt really honored and like an expert :)  I was tempted yesterday to doubt myself, to say to myself, well you only gave a quote, it's not that big of a deal and oh, you only submitted five things for publishing, you probably could've done more. I had to stop myself and say, no, I'm doing great and working toward my goals.  I'm not going to down-play the achievements I've made or my good feelings.  I'm going to embrace them. 

This morning I got up at normal time, did lesson plans, collaborated with coworkers, went for a treacherous walk, made lunch for the hubs and then sat down to read the next chapter in the book.  It's about beliefs - and more specifically empowering vs disempowering beliefs and how those shape our lives.  I'm about 15 pages into this chapter and I gotta be honest, it's a tough one.  I realized in reading this chapter, that just yesterday I stated in my blog - some disempowering beliefs about people - they can't be trusted, they irritate me, hurt me, make me mad...etc.  Very interesting how this thing is playing out...even the first time around, I hadn't gotten this far in the book so I had no way of knowing that this would be the next chapter and yet there I was writing out one of my own disempowering beliefs.  I'm beginning to ask myself, what are my beliefs (good and bad, empowering and disempowering) and how are those impacting my life?  What about you?

In skimming through the rest of the chapter it appears I will have some more "homework" to do.  I'm looking forward to it and I'll keep you posted!  In the meantime I encourage you - don't discount the good things you're doing, embrace them and be proud of yourself!  Think of yourself as AWESOME and act accordingly!

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