Monday, September 28, 2015

Super Cute New Fall Shoes!

It's Fall!  Time to update the wardrobe and purge any old stuff you didn't wear last Fall, but as I always say, let's not break the bank for fashion!  It's just so easy to find good deals and still look super cute!  I found these great shoes at Payless for $14.99 (there's a huge sale going on right now and a lot of great new Fall styles and colors) ! They are stylish, good for work and even better, very comfortable.  Way to go, Fru Gal! 

Check out the latest sales and deals at:

Sunday, September 20, 2015



Sherando Lake

In life, it's important to know what relaxes you, what stresses you and what's worth your time, money and energy.  I think that goes without saying...stating the obvious if you will, but I write that to remind myself and you.  I also write that because although I'm loving this blog and trying my best to maintain it while working a full-time teaching job, it has been a challenge.

This weekend was a time for me to rejuvenate and get back to my roots.  I grew up in Oregon, going camping and fishing all the time.  I grew up outside and still to this day some of my most fond childhood memories surround the outdoors (beach, lake, mountains, etc.)  Now, living in the suburbs, working in the city and spending majority of my college and my 20's in the urban settings...I have to escape.  Escape for me is getting as far away as I can into nature. 

One of the many splendors of nature is - it's free!  We went to Sherando Lake this weekend - it cost us only the gas to get there (about an hour and forty-five minute drive) and $6.00 to get into this incredible spot (cost is to maintain the roads, the lake, the trails, and all-around keep the place beautiful).  I don't know the camping cost, but I definitely want to try it out.  I got exercise (walked about 5 miles) and the chance to spend quality time with my husband unencumbered by cell phones, television and any other electronic devices.  I got to breathe in fresh air and take in some exquisite scenery.  I got to reconnect with my spirit.

I encourage you - even if you're not a nature lover - take some time to get out and appreciate things that aren't man-made, turn off your phone for an hour or two and just take some deep breaths.  It costs nothing and it pays incredible dividends in ways that can't truly be measured.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Never Hurts to Ask



A quick post to let you know that it never hurts to ask for a discount! Apparently, there's a run on laminating sheets in the West End of Richmond! I went to a couple of different stores, but I refused to pay 50 cents a sheet for this stuff!  So I went to Wal-Mart this morning and found it - ONE LAST PACK!  However, it was ripped open (all 20 sheets are there) and I wanted to laminate just three more things this weekend before school starts on Tuesday - so I really "needed" it today (all you teachers, parents, crafty people, etc. will get this). I went to Customer Service and asked if I could get a discount since the package was busted and this was the last one.  The lovely lady said, SURE! and I got them for $7.00.  That's 35 cents a sheet.  Way to go Fru Gal!!
On the shelf like this with a rip down the side!