Tie a knot and hang on tight. That's a poster I've seen recently - I believe it's posted in the bathroom at work. Wonder why....hmmmmm. Won't go there right now. I'm increasingly disillusioned and disappointed and just honestly, readers, I'm drained.
So I'm tying a knot right now by listing my blessings and the things I'm grateful for because all I want to do is complain and wallow in all the stuff that's not fair and that I'm mad about ....BUT I REFUSE to let them ruin me. I refuse to allow them to ruin me because I'm amazing, phenomenal and incredible. I'm a force to be reckoned with and I'm above all that drama and mess they're trying to weigh me down with. I'm ready to fly!!
I'm grateful for (there's no heirarchy here, it's just stream of consciousness) :
My abilities
My good health
I woke up today.
My husband and family - esp. my beautiful niece
My friends
A comfortable home
Food - in abundance
My students
Our cat
My husband's job
Our cars
MY FUTURE, my past and all the lessons I've learned.
The present moment where I'm wrapped up in a blanket, next to my husband and the anticipation of another home cooked meal that I've prepared for us, which smells heavenly.
That I have so many things to be thankful for.
Readers - this is just the beginning of my greatness. If you've reached the end of your rope today - do like me and write a list of all the things you have to be grateful for - it will help make you feel better. Much love readers...pray for me and for you, for all of us!
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