I've been listening to this over the past few days: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktlTxC4QG8g
Maybe you've read the book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", maybe you've heard bits and pieces from it here and there, but maybe you've never heard it. If you've never heard it, I'm so glad you're hearing it now and I hope you feel inspired and begin to make even just a small change in your thoughts, your language, or your actions. I think I might need to add this book to my collection (after I read it, of course, and AFTER I finish the Robbins book - which I'm still working on and I'm coming to the end of Chapter 5).
These two have me thinking and I've been repeating them: habits 2 and 3.
#2 Begin with the end in mind. How do you want to be remembered? Imagining your own funeral and what you have to say about yourself. Is what you're doing aligned with what you'd like to say about yourself (or others to say about you) at the end of your life? This question has been coming up for me a lot lately. Perhaps it's because I turned 40 and have realized that I'm "mid-way" through my life and what do I have to show for it? What can I claim as my accomplishments? How do I want to be remembered and how do I go about making those things happen, if they haven't yet?
I talk about this a lot - my energy and my time are valuable - everyone's is and so how do we spend it? Watching TV, scrolling through countless things on the internet, texting, apps, games, etc. I also often feel that my energy and my time are being drained by things that are tedious and not fulfilling. I mean, we have to take the trash out and we have to organize papers, for sure, but I bet there are many hours of unaccounted for time that aren't really bringing you closer to your goal. They aren't bringing you closer to that aim of being the best spouse, the best parent, the inspiration to others, etc. that you want to be. For example, right now, I feel torn between what I "have to do" and what I want to do. I'd much rather write and listen to inspiration, create inspiration or spend quality time with my husband/family/friends, than do the many other tedious things I have to do for work tomorrow - yes - I'm still working into the evening most nights - which is another thing that really must change.
#3 Put First Things First. This really ties into what I was saying about habit 2 also - where is the time and energy spent? I'm in the space right now where I'm trying to figure out how to do just that - how can I go about making my dreams realities and put first things first? If we SAY oh my health, my relationships, my faith, God, etc. is first in my life. Is that how you act? Is that truly how you ACT? Is that how you're spending your time? I think it's good to look at these things and start focusing on what is most important and maximize the time and energy we put into the things that we say matter most to us. Walk the walk - as the saying goes.
Before we can begin any change - we've got to set goals - write down what you want to be said about you - write your own eulogy. Think about what is first in your life and how you actually spend your time. This is a good exercise - live your life with purpose and drive - with focus and understanding - not a mere muttering through and aimlessly wandering.
Mine would go something like this - the best wife and the best mom, published author of (many different titles - famous and well-known), powerful public speaker, inspiration to SO many, a teacher through and through - my students to be able to say about me: she changed my perspective, helped me when no one else would, showed me love, was funny, caring and kind, taught me so much, etc. In college I wrote on a 3 X 5 card that I wanted to contribute to the greater good - I think I've done that and I want to continue to do that on an even larger scale! I also want someone to say I was a great yogi, poet, and golfer (I know sounds funny, but I want to share that sport with my hubs).
GO AND DO IT! Write it out and think about it and start changing your life today and spending your time and energy toward what you truly want.
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