Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Essential Oils - Elevation

A few years ago, I was introduced to Doterra Essential Oils, by an acquaintance.  She was describing how the oils helped with mental health issues and I was really struggling with depression and anxiety and I didn't (still don't) want to go on any medications.  Please know this is not any judgment against anyone who takes anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications, everyone has to do what works for them and what they feel is for their highest and best good.  Period.  At the time, I have to say, I didn't feel like the oils "worked" so I kinda just put the oils and diffusers aside and kinda "forgot" about them (and went back to therapy).  Recently, my sister got into the oils, and dragged me to one of the info sessions about them and now she's into it and so of course, I'm back into now, too (despite my husband's eye rolls at all my "hippy stuff").  

Elevation is my current favorite essential oil blend.  I was remarking to my sister that I've been feeling "a lot happier" lately.  Now, there are some circumstantial things too - been away from work, been back to acupuncture, been reading/writing a lot more, doing a new meditation/prayer/journal reflection every day for the past two and a half weeks....AND I've been wearing this oil!  I've been mixing three-four drops with my lotion and applying to my whole body when I get out of the shower and then maybe one or two drops for my feet. I've found applying the oils works best for me.  I know you're supposed to diffuse - and I do that occasionally (some folks ingest it, but I'm not there), but for me, applying to my skin in the morning and throughout the day has really helped the best. 

There are SO many oils for SO many things and I've been trying out different ones.  For now, this is my current fave and I wanted to share it with you, maybe essential oils might work to enhance whatever you're working on in your journey!  No, I don't sell it and yes, it's a multi-level marketing thing, but I don't care so much about that, I just care that it's helping me on my journey to be a more healthy person inside and out! 


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