Monday, March 6, 2017


Bruno Mars
SO maybe if I write about Trump then I'll get 300 views. Maybe if I write about celebrity then I'll get 300 views. Problem is those things don't really interest me.  I have opinions about those things for certain, some informed and some just because that's how I feel about it.  For example, I just don't like Trump. I'm a very honest person, a blunt person even at times, so I get it that people are OVER all the rhetoric and they are liking a guy who "tells it like it is".  I have plenty of sarcastic, snarky comments to make on a regular basis and I can be very judgey (I made that word up) and I usually like people who tell it like it is, but there's something slimy about the way he does it.  I could go on, but I'd rather not. 

As for celebrity - I really enjoy movies a lot, I also love music. I am currently replaying and replaying it LOUDLY in the car, at the house cleaning, whenever I can: Bruno Mars' album "24K Magic"  it makes me SO happy and bouncy!  However, do I believe that these people really deserve MILLIONS of dollars for their craft??  No.  We value entertainment over education in this country. By that I mean - we'd rather be entertained than educated.  I mean according to this website neurosurgeons don't even make a million a year

Don't even get me started on the salaries of civil servants and military.  I just don't know when we will get our priorities right.  In the meantime I'm going to continue to write about what I want and not just what will "sell" or "get views".  I don't want to be a sell-out as they say, but I would love to make money at my own craft.  I want to be a writer that is PAID and paid well, to do what I love and speak about it.  I want to be respected and have others be inspired by what I say.  I need an agent, I need a mentor, I need a lot of help. This blog is just a baby step and I'm just at a place of frustration.  I don't mind putting in work, everyone knows I have a strong work ethic and I'm typically very dedicated to whatever I do.  There are changes that need to be made and I guess the truth is I'm impatient.  I want it yesterday.  I want answers now and I want to know exactly what's going to happen.  Sigh.  I guess that's my work for today, realize that everything will come in due time.    

Meanwhile listen to a little Bruno and smile :)

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