I'm so excited! We got a new kitten. Her name is Lu Lu and she's absolutely adorable. Usher in new life and anticipation and excitement into our home...it's wonderful. There are of course, responsibilities and careful measurements, as we have our sweet, Fozzy who needs to be protected, loved and nurtured too. We have to be very careful about the introduction and we're following veterinary guidelines and suggestions, even if it's tough. We will be waiting 2 weeks to introduce them and to make sure she's got all her vaccines before the official introduction and it will be hard for us all. However, we're good and responsible pet owners and we value sage advice.
This is how life is, isn't it? Anything new, especially new life in a home, can be scary and full of responsibilities and worries, but it can also be SO thrilling, full of hope and anticipation of all the great things you will do and memories you will make. You want to honor and respect the gift you've been given, while enjoying it too! It can also make you think of those who have passed or sometimes even make you cry - both joy and sorrow.
We lost Queen in November 24, 2015. She was with me for 17 years and we went through so much together. Having a new kitten has brought back so many memories of when Fozzy was a kitten and introducing him to Queen. I miss her. We will miss her always. Still miss Mom Cat - whom Lu Lu really favors - and still miss our dog, Ricky and they've both been gone 20 years or more now. It's amazing how animals touch our lives and how they fill in all those empty spaces in your heart. I think because they love and love and love like no human ever could. I think because they need you, want you and bring you so much joy. The cost of love is great, but it's always worth it. In the end, letting go of these precious babies is hard, so hard, as with the death of a family member, and yet, new life always comes. Always. Today I am truly so grateful and full of happiness.
By the way - Lu Lu was born in November. ;)
Life is good. Be blessed dear readers. Be blessed.
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