I've been inspired by this quote, "Sometimes it's best to unfollow people in real life." I couldn't agree more. We spend a lot of time on the internet, social media, etc. and we create our own little worlds full of people and things that fit our idea of what the world is and what we think it "should be." We don't like someone's political views, we're irritated by their constant bragging, we know them in "real life" and they're so full of crap in their social media world....the list goes on and on. Maybe they're always trying to get people to like and share and read their blog (hee hee). Whatever the case may be - we can "unfollow" them, "unfriend" them, delete, block or whatever other things you can do on social media (gotta admit I'm only really on FB and I've said at least a hundred times over they years I was gonna get rid of that too...but still haven't done it).
I do admit I think that's kinda "bad" - I mean in the real world we really don't get to "cherry pick" who we are with and who we have to interact with, not if you're really participating in the world outside of your home, family, friends, etc. I also think that we have become so intolerant and insulated by what we think is right or believe, it's like everyone else be damned, which is also NOT good! However, that's for another post/topic all together.
This lead me to some deeper thoughts. More provocative than just social media and what we do or don't do in that arena. It lead me to think about the people in your world that really do need to be "unfollowed". The people in your world that are - to use the new/hot word - toxic. The people in your life that you've tried for years to connect to, to relate to, to be nice or loving or kind or helpful to and it's just not happening or being reciprocated. The people in your life that cause you deep pain, bring too much drama, and basically not only don't add to your life, but take away from it. The people who aren't there for you and truly, never have been.
What do we do with those people?
Now, let me be clear, I'm not talking about someone you had a disagreement with or even someone that maybe "wronged" you once or twice. I'm talking about those people who truly don't add anything beneficial to your life or your well-being. People who make you constantly cry, question yourself, make you feel "less than" or don't support you and maybe even harm you personally, professionally, physically and/or mentally. People who use you or bring nothing but drama.
It's time to let them go. Let. Them. Go. Free yourself. Love them from afar. Wish them well and keep moving. Everyone is not your friend. In fact, if we are being real, most people aren't really your friend. Most people may not be "against" you, but I think there's an awful lot of people that really aren't "for you" either.
In my own life I've begun to realize that there are folks that I just have to let go of. It's not an easy process and in some cases it's been gradual and heart-breaking. I am now seeing though, that it's healthy. Part of loving myself is setting boundaries. It's realizing that not everyone has my back and it's OK to let those folks go. It's OK, no matter if they're family, friends, coworkers, etc. It's OK to say, no, I won't be treated any less than what I deserve and I won't be harmed. The journey continues - blessings to you my dear readers.
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