Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Positive Hits Radio - DREAM

When you're sick - it's hard to stay motivated.  I'm grateful it's just a cold or allergies or something ...but I will say it's tough to be creative when you're just trying to work and get through the day.  I will persevere. I heard an amazing sermon on the way to work this morning and it made me cry.  I was being spoken to directly.  I do believe that everything happens for a reason and I believe I was meant to hear this message this morning:

There have been a number of things lately that have made me feel discouraged and unmotivated. When you're waiting on a dream to come true (and you've been waiting for years) you can grow weary.  You can start to feel like, is this ever going to happen??  Sometimes, I get in the fear zone.  I start thinking, well, it's better to expect nothing, to not be hopeful because if I believe and it doesn't happen then I'll be further disappointed.  In the fear zone, I start to think that I'll forever be wanting, waiting and dreaming.  I refuse to be this way.  I have made a decision to change and a decision to accomplish goals and make dreams come true. I've also put forth action and am following through. All of these things are necessary to living the life you want.  I believe now more than ever, BIG things are happening in my life because I've DECIDED I no longer want to settle for less.

Of all the setbacks, of all the "failures," and of all the circumstances or people that can get in the way of following your dreams, don't be one of them.  Don't get in your own way...and don't be ruled by your fear.

I'm still reading the Robbins book and intend on writing more about that as I continue discovering and working on this journey.

Side note:  If you're taking time out to read this - thank you.  Thank you for reading, for sharing, for helping make this woman's dream come true.  You mean a lot to me - even if I don't know you! Thank you.

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