Back-to-School Savings!
All your writing, drawing, and coloring needs! |
Check out these INCREDIBLE back-to-school savings!!
At STAPLES I saved a bunch on these great items:
Crayola Markers - 75 cents for the 8 count, 97 cents for the 10 count
Crayola Crayons - 50 cents each for a 24 count box
Crayola Colored Pencils - 97 cents for a 12 count box
Regular, #2 Staples Brand pencils (not sharpened) - 68 cents for a 12 count box
At OFFICEMAX I saved on these fantastic back-to-school essentials:
Pocket folders - 1 cent each (limit ten per household, but I had my hubby go in a different line and buy another ten - so I got 20) 1 cent each - THAT'S RIGHT - 1 CENT!!
Pencil Boxes - 50 cents each
Composition Notebooks - 1.00 each (you might be able to find these cheaper at Wal-Mart or another store, but for the purpose of not wanting to shop around too much...I got them here)
Glue Sticks - 50 cents each for a 4 pack
Erasers (that go on the end of a pencil) - 1 cent for a 12 pack - 1 CENT!!!
White Copy Paper - after mail-in rebate - 1 ream (500 sheets) for 1 CENT!!
I spent a total of $22.08 and got :
2 packs of multi-purpose white paper
6 pencil boxes
8 glue sticks
2 packs of markers
2 packs of crayons
2 packs of pencils
3 packs of pencil-top erasers
20 pocket folders
6 composition notebooks
THREE CHEERS FOR THE FRU GAL!! Happy back-to-school everyone!
Can you tell I'm going for a purple theme this year? :) |
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