Monday, August 3, 2015



I had lunch with a very dear friend recently.  She is an inspiration and one of the most kind, giving and generous people I know!  She graciously paid for my lunch (ate at Panera and she only got a pastry which I used my rewards card and got her for only 99 cents!).   We talked about everything under the sun and then some!  During our conversation we, of course, discussed finances and the blog, etc.  She has been working very hard for a few years now to pay down her school debt and she's almost there!  I was so impressed.  She also has one of the BEST attitudes.  I asked her, What's the secret?  Of course, there are practical things, goal setting and budgeting and a lot of tips, etc., but the key she said is living in abundance.   This is NOT living above or beyond your means or in excess, but finding the abundance in your life and recognizing it and relishing in it! Living in abundance, believing you have everything you need, believing you are doing well, and most of all, practicing gratitude. 

She told me that every day driving to work, she would literally say out loud every thing she was grateful for...right down to the coffee she was drinking.  On her way back the things she would be grateful for were related to her work day - no matter how difficult the day had been or how many things might have not gone exactly the way she had hoped, etc.  She would do this every single day and she believed she was living in abundance.  Despite whatever difficulties she has faced - she had faith that she would be fine and she believed good things were happening. Again, an inspiration, so I'm going to try it!  I will keep you posted, dear readers, on how it goes!


  1. I just love reading your blogs��SG

  2. I really needed this! Thanks sis!

  3. Thanks everyone!! Please feel free to share with anyone!
