Thursday, October 1, 2020

Life Goes On

After a scar is first formed, the body continues to touch up its work where it can - which is why scars fade slightly over the years when left alone. But scar tissue does not get replaced by this process, which means that most scars, when left to heal naturally, will never fully disappear.

I've not written in so long because life is, well, crazy.  I am pretty certain everyone can say the same in one way or another!  I wanted to share some things that have happened recently - even though I'm completely off social media - who knows who will even read this - but just gonna put it out there in the ether.

We had a long weekend - a Monday off - so I cleaned and re-organized the entire house.  I threw out every single (in)fertility item I owned.  All the tests, all the kits, all the goops and gels, and all of the drugs left over from IVF.  Gone.  Put it all into a plastic bag, tied a knot at the top and had my husband take it out to the large trash can outside - before I could change my mind.  It's over.  

I'm about to celebrate yet another birthday and I've made the choice to put the dream of being a mom to bed for good.  To let it go like a beautiful fall leaf on a slowly churning river.  

Several pregnancies around me and even a birth in the family and I'm so glad for them!  I've decided that no matter who or what around me is pregnant/having new born babies - I will wish them well and send them love and prayers.  I still won't attend baby showers and will only send gifts via some internet registry (not hand-delivered). I will ALWAYS be so happy that others are able to bring babies into this world in a traditional sense - I will forever have a dull ache and pang of sadness when I hear the news or when I see them waddling around full of new life.  It's just like any other loss - it will never completely "go away" or fully heal.  It's a scar that will fade, but forever leave a mark.

I've finally lost those pounds I've been saying I was gonna lose.  I've finally started pursuing my Yoga Teacher Training (will be done in December - despite COVID and all!).  I've finally paid off a lot of debts.  I'm letting go of a dream, but I'm also achieving and still thriving.

Life goes on - whether we want it to or not - as we have all seen since March 2020 - little is in our control, but our hearts and minds. 

Blessings 💓